Aug 13, 2012

monster beet and miracle potatoes

way back when i was busy planting everything, i did hide some potatoes in the dirt with hopes that we might get some new ones later in the summer. it was just days after i had planted the potatoes that i read one should not plant potatoes in soil that used to be grass. well, that's just what i had done, turned over the huge pieces of grass that i dug out while digging for the raised beds onto a patch...the soil under the grass seemed so good, full of fat worms...the reason for not planting was this tiny bugger/parasite that would end up eating and/or rotting the potatoes. as the seedling potatoes weren't a huge investment i decided not to worry. certain someone had been sure for days (if not weeks) that we wouldn't get a single potato...but low and behold! today we decided to take a look and maybe have for lunch...can you tell how happy i was to see these!

gloves would be advisable, but i find them a nuisance, unfortunately my hands are starting to show the wear...we only dug out 2 plants, plenty to boil for lunch.

i wish i had marked which kind of beet seeds i planted here, all of them got to be monsters like this one! there is no way to pickle these, no jar big enough...

i almost felt sad to dig it out.

on to the carrots...they've grown nicely, too.

got enough for lunch, they just need...

...a little wash, garden hose comes in handy... scrubbing required!

what an amazing color! however, the picture really doesn't make justice to it, somehow reds don't turn out well in pics.

i got the recipe from elizabeth over instagram (don't you just love instagram!), it's very simple, just chick peas, onion, beets, vinegar and oil...

i decided to grate the beet by hand, not a very bright idea, the kitchen looked like someone was butchered there...

but how sweet the beet was! i ended up using red wine vinegar and one of my better olive oils in the salad. certain someone has had some issues with chick peas (how can anyone have issues with peas?) and has not gladly eaten them before. i loved this salad, thanks E!

i did not do a single thing to the carrots, the chicken i browned in rapeseed oil, the potatoes had to have some butter on them. very simple and easy lunch in 20 mins, from the garden to table...being able to eat veggies that i grew myself is curiously satisfying!


  1. So lucky... the small garden I planted even with fencing was devoured by pack rats.... I love chickpeas and will try this salad.
    Are you eating gluten free ?
    I have been recommended to try gluten free for my fibromyalgia. I have been suffering for over thirty years plus other problems and anything is worth a try.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. damn them rats!

      if you look closely in the first pic there is corn behind me...corn is a bit stretching it in our climate, but i think there are tiny cobs inside!

      i post gluten free for a friend who has celiac, she doesn't have the luxury of choice when it comes to gluten, too many visits to the ER.

      sorry for your fibro. i've read that a meat-free diet might work, too, as might gluten free. they are both definitely worth a try, and way better than ruining your stomach with painkillers (like i did)!

  2. I'm super impressed how well your salad turned out!
    I always love the color the chick peas turn.
    One of Robert's favorite lunch treats.
    I envy your garden.
    New potatoes!YUM...with butter and a little mint.

    1. thank you for the recipe! it was so good i could have eaten bucketfuls of it!

      new potatoes with mint? very english, i think. mostly people here use dill, personally i like parsley, and butter, of course!

  3. That beet is the prettiest girl I ever did see! What a delicious meal! You must have wonderful soil for your carrots to grow so beautifully.

    1. thanks! i still have a few of 'em babes waiting to be munched. yes, the soil was virgin, the carrots got to be the first ones...

  4. I love beets. Yours were so BIG! I like them roasted, but maybe I will try them grated raw in a salad too.


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