Jun 1, 2009

salad and deer

time flies when you're having fun, that's why i don't remember if this was lunch on friday, or saturday. i sometimes get a craving for a greek salad and when i make some it disappoints me. this time i bought genuine greek feta, which seemed to make all the difference. i added some tuna to make it more of a meal, otherwise used cherry tomatoes, red onion, cucumber and ice-salad, just a tiny splash of white wine vinegar, salt and pepper, and the oil from the tuna

certain someone hunts, like you might remember from previous posts. few weeks ago he got up way before the sun and met with his friend and they got a tiny deer. it's legal to hunt buck deers this time of year in finland, but just the bucks. both the back legs were taken to be smoked, we got ours on friday. i've tasted a fair amount of smoked meats, this one is soooo good

there was plenty of meat, so i cut the leg to smaller pieces, some went to freezer, some for consumption right away

the bones went to freezer as well, they'll make a nice pea soup in autumn


  1. AnonymousJune 08, 2009

    Etsää voi laittaa näin herkullisen näköisiä kuvia tänne! Kuola valuu. Oh, mitä julmuuta. =D
    T. Kesäkehrääjä

  2. tarkoitus oliskin saada sinutkin keittiöön harrastamaan luovuutta!


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