Showing posts with label composting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label composting. Show all posts

Dec 30, 2011

calm after the storm

there are a lot of fallen branches, some quite big, in the yard, but everything is very strangely, at least for the moment, very calm.

lake near the shack is flooding and the storm decided to land the neighour's deck. certain someone used to own a row boat but it's probably on the bottom of the lake since the stopper wasn't in its place.

snow still keeps us waiting, these tiny frosty hailstones are the closest to snow. the dog is eternally curious of everything i try to photograph.

all the ditches and streams and flowing like in the spring for all the rain we've had.

that particular stream has been splashing water around creating an ice-garden.

the compost is doing great, this time last year it there was one solid block of frozen matter in the composter...

fresh thyme, anyone? this is a first, fresh herbs from the garden at the end of december.

the dog was very restless during the storm, he doesn't like thunder, nor fireworks...

but he's happy about his new toy, squeeky sloppy squirrel (it said that in the package!)

Sep 23, 2010

autumn gardening

there is a spot in the garden at the shack that's been covered with black plastic for...hmm, 3 yrs! this week i decided to finally do something about it. it was also time to empty the composter for the first time.

we (well, i did) started the composter about a year ago and it seems that most of has been put in there has become soil. i was actually quite surprised how "earthy" everything was, even egg shells. but i would advise not to put dog hair in a compost, nothing happens to it...

i took out a whole wheelbarrow of soil. the compost has been working great, it did freeze in the winter but that was no wonder in the very arctic weather we had last winter

the eyesore wasn't even in hiding

took all the plastic out. the plastic was there to kill whatever might be growing in that patch. it'll be interesting to see what will come up in the spring, despite the effort to "kill" everything beneath

to make sure there won't be too many unwanted plants i placed fabric-like material that will let water thru...

...before dumping and spreading the soil from compost and some peat

i had decided on these, the muscari being certain someone's favourites

planted the tall tulips in the back, the dowels are there to mark the are where i placed the bulbs

to finish i spread bark mulch on top. had to stop here for a few days, the nursery i bought the bulbs from had no perennials i was interested in

yesterday after work i bought some sedum

and phlox

i hope the sedum and the phlox will survive the winter. i took both of them because of "easy maintenance", could be that the soil here is too rich for them...we'll see.

next week i really have to start making apple sauce in earnest!

Jun 14, 2009


don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining about the weather, but it's mid-june and the temp is +12C, what kind of summer is that?

it was nicer a few days ago so i went to a garden center to get some potting plants and a rhodo for the corner where you turn into shacks yard. here it is, in case i have forgot to tell, i like pink. (i can't wait for the peonies to start blooming...)

i got 4 different kind of plants for potting this year, reds and whites. this decision was made before i left for the garden center. i'm glad i did, i only have so many pots to use and the variety is just overwhelming, i would have gone crazy and taken whatever and too much. i had a plan on a piece of paper and i stuck to it, there is always a first! will post pictures of other pots later, they are not in their "prime" just yet. besides, it was getting late and the light turned weird

rhubarbs are going well enough to be harvested. the day started cloudy and chilly so i decided to bake a tart. as soon as i got pre-baking the crust done, sun came out ant it became hot and sticky. later on in the evening we got thunder, at least downtown we did. i used just the crust from the recipe in the link. i added some to the amounts thinking my tart pan was bigger in volume than the 9" one that is called for in the original recipe. that was unnecessary, but since i like the crust, it wasn't wasted. the crust is just the simplest tart crust ever, will definitely be using it with other fruit tarts

poaching the rhubard in little water and some sugar. i looked at different rhubard recipes to figure out how much sugar to use, but couldn't use that much as suggested in several of them. i measured the width of the tart pan and cut the rhubarb accordingly

i originally wanted to make a vanilla custard type filling on which to place the rhubard, but i didn't have all ingredients to make one. i did have some sour cream and eggs so i made a "custard" of them (1 dl sour cream, one egg and 1 tps pure vanilla extract). first poured that on pre-baked crust then placed the poached rhubarbs on top adding the syrupy liquid last

this is how it looks when done

even though i didn't use that much sugar, the tart is really sweet but you can still taste tanginess of the rhubarb. the crust is buttery, crunchy, chewy and melts in your mouth. this is not something you eat more than one piece at a time, which makes it a perfect dessert. if you want to make it a fancy one, offer it slightly warm with some nice vanilla ice cream

had some ground beef in the fridge and decided to make a pasta sauce of it: 400 gr of the beef, 1 yellow onion chopped, 3 gloves of garlic, 2 cans of crushed tomatoes, 3 carrots and 3 stalks of cellery in small dices, little salt and sugar and black pepper to season. start by sweating the onions, garlic, carrots and cellery, add the tomatoes and simmer for approx 30 mins. brown the ground beef and add to the tomatoes, simmer for another 30 mins, season to taste

i have started buying whole grain pasta, which myllyn paras has some variety. here is the sauce and pasta ready to be served

garnished with grated parmesan and spring onions

now that you've just eaten, i'll show you my compost bin... over the years i must have thrown away tons of organic waste that could have been composted. when you live in an apartment building that is kinda hard, unless your building provides a separate bin for that. nowadays, the law says that apt buildings of certain size must provide recycling bins, including one for bio-waste. my building has 5 different ones: paper, cardboard, bio-waste, energy waste and non-recyclables (not glass nor metal, though). the link offers plenty of information that everyone should know, and follow! i have this small bin in the kitchen for all scraps

this is the big bin, composter that i bought to use at the shack. it was such a waste of waste! when ever i cook there's bound to be carrot and onion peels, egg shells, coffee filters, you name it. when you have a garden you always need mulch to improve the soil. this isn't physics, people have done this forever, ways before there were industrial fertilizers. being green in the modern world isn't always simple and easy but it's not impossible, but it's always better to do something than nothing at all!

you just need to make the choice and do whatever you can. sure, i drive all over, and i fly, but i do not toss out my used batteries with rest of my waste (nor should anyone else), i sort my waste, and try wherever possible to use the greenest product. one thing that really gets me, organic and green make-up from australia! c'mon people, it might be all that over there but not certainly here, on the other side of the planet. i need to calm down here, since i do know there is lots more i could do, like not buy that make-up, or out of season pruduce from south america. you have that choice as well, please use it

the bin is designed so that it remains warm enough during the winter for the composting process to go on. when the pointer is in red area, the compost is "alive and well". if not, there are tricks you can to do revive it

so far, my building doesn't offer bins for glass or metal, but those i store under the kitchen sink (both home and at the shack). here is the stash at the shack, it's time to get this sorted and taken to a collection point. i'm sure i have some at home as well

the dog, blissfully unaware of waste management issues of the world!

the spinach seems to love this wet weather and has therefore gone crazy. i'm off to pick some, again, and make some spinach pancakes, again, before work

hope i'm not going to be late...