Jan 22, 2010

spaghetti & beef-mince veggie sauce

i wasn't going to make pasta sauce but... you guessed... soup... i spotted some whole wheat spaghetti in the pantry and that changed my mind. this is what i started with

400 gr beef mince
2 carrots
1 onion
3 stalks cellery (found them after taking the pic)
500 gr crushed tomatoes
2 dl boiling water
black pepper to taste
basil, fresh or dried to taste

carrots grated ultra thin (mircoplane grater), celery sliced to ½ cm slices, onion finely minced

browned the beef, drained excess fat on paper towels

after the meat, sauteed the onion on it's own for a minute, then added carrots and celery

kept mixing on hot for another minute before adding beef, tomatoes and boiling water

turning the heat on low to simmer for 15 mins

cooked the pasta according to package directions and had 4 huge portions, took 2 with me and left the rest for certain someone. now that i've eaten one portion, garlic would have been nice addition. oh, and parmesan, definitely parmesan

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